Tuesday, May 15, 2012

First Blog EVER!!!

Since this is my first post I am going to tell you a little about me. My goal with this blog is to write about life and the exciting things we experience. I am a firm believer that balance = happiness.  I feel that most days I have balance and I would love to share that with others! I am a Real Estate professional, I enjoy my kids, my marriage, great friends, running, crafting, cooking, and camping. Life is not always perfect but it is "close enough to perfect to me" (I'm pretty sure that's a country song).

This is also the kickoff to my exciting Real Estate Career! I have worked in the business for over four years and have had wonderful opportunities to learn a wealth of information. That's the great thing about Real Estate- I am pretty sure you can never stop learning. I have also worked in health care and the travel industry. I have always found myself yearning for MY own business that I can run with my ideas and provide great service that I think people want and deserve. So that is what I plan to do-provide excellent service to my clients.

I have three crazy boys and one amazing and  hardworking husband; they constantly keep me hopping!

The boys are a lot of fun and I enjoy watching them grow and change. Though, I really wish they would slow down, they are growing up all too fast!
Each of our boys is very special in their own little way. Jacob is 10 and enjoys reading and football. Colten is 6 and enjoys playing with friends and making up his own songs.Traven is 3 and loves to follow whatever his brothers are doing.

Our family enjoys camping in the mountains or many of the other beautiful places Utah has to offer. We also like to fish but we have yet to be very successful at that :/, I'm thinking maybe we just need more practice!

I started running about 5 years ago and I really do love it. It is both challenging and rewarding at the same time. I went from only being able to run 1 minute to having a few half marathons under my belt. I am currently training for the Bear Lake Half marathon and I also plan on running the Moab -The Other Half in October for the second time. Running is like free therapy and good for you! I am always looking for new people to recruit into to the running world! If I can run so can YOU!!

More recently I have entered the wonderful world of crafting. Pinterest is a favorite pass time of mine. There is so many new and wonderful ideas to try! Below is my latest creation, yet another great idea from pinterest. I made it for my mom for mothers day and she loved it! :D

Comments, advice, suggestions all welcome. Thank you for reading.


  1. Well done friend! I know that you will be awesome in anything you choose...that's what happens when you start out amazing!

  2. Great Job!!!!! I look forward to reading more :)
