Sunday, June 3, 2012

Let the Camping begin

I know summer just started for some but to me if feels half way over. Our family loves to camp but we only have a short amount of time we are able to do so, because of weather and of course football! So we are soaking it all up before we run out of camping months.

Our first camping trip this year was Moab, followed by Jordanelle State park and then Payson Lake area. Each had their very own specialness (yes that is a word-in my head anyway) and loads of fun.

Camping and Snow

Some may say that Moab wasn't exactly a "camping" trip, but anytime I am in my camper (travel trailer) I am camping. We ended up at a RV Resort towards the south end of town; it was right off of Main Street. There was plenty of shade, although at the beginning of May it wasn't all that hot. My Brother, Sister n Law, and the cutest baby girl ever (also known as Baby Stevie), all joined us. They live in New Mexico so it is about half way for each of us. It was a great time, we walked main street, had lunch, BBQ’d and played dominoes. We all made a note to book three nights next time because two nights just seemed so short. I am working on my next excuse to go back to New Mexico so I can hang out with my new niece and maybe her parents too!

                                                 Me, Micah, and Baby Stevie

Traven holding Baby Stebie

Our next trip was off to Jordanelle State park which is nice because it is so close. I was lucky to have booked early and scored us a place right on the lake! The weather was perfect, the kids even got in the water (not because the water was warm because kids don’t mind swimming in snow melt!). A couple other families joined us and all 9 kids seemed to have a blast. The fish were even biting. Although Colten didn’t really want anything to do with fishing last year, he was all about this year. He caught the first fish and he fished most that first evening, so I think we have a new fisherman in the house. We took turns in our inflatable row boat and mostly just soaked in the nice weather.
 Jacob camping (I think it might have been a bit cold that night)
 Jacob and his friend "boating"
Our Newest Little Fisherman-Colten

We are always looking for new places to camp and we have found that if you don’t reserve your spot early you miss out. Since neither of us is from here we have to go exploring to find new spots that don’t require booking. So…on Mother’s day we took a drive and really just stumbled on some of the most beautiful camping I have seen since Montana (just as good as Mirror Lake HWY).  I am talking pine trees and aspens, trails galore, mountain lakes and creeks and green everywhere! And this is where we spent Memorial Day weekend. Our first night (Friday) was beautiful the weather was almost too perfect. We heard rumors about the snow, but Saturday was another pretty nice day……and then….Sunday Morning we awoke to snow! LOL! Oh yeah, we knew it was coming, we were hoping we would luck out but we dealt with it and had a good time anyway. It snowed off and on, so it wasn’t really that bad. We had a fire up slightly hidden in the pine trees, the boys explored, shot BB guns, and hiked the trails. It is trips like these I see our boys changing, I love to see them explore and play and just have fun. We took a few hikes with them and we spotted deer, squirrels, a teepee, and just pure beauty.
 The deer we spotted while hiking
 The snow that we got to enjoy!
 Brotherly Love
Beautiful Hike
Well that was our month of May! This month we are off to Bear Lake for my Half Marathon and Pallisades and possible another trip or two to Payson lakes again!


  1. Good job my wife i sure enjoy reading your blog and reminding me how much i love you and our boys.
